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Now offering both tactical and strategic asset allocation services

Tactical Asset Allocation


Allocations are based on evolving economic and financial market conditions. Age, proximity to retirement, and risk tolerance are accounted for as part of a separate process. An increasingly volatile. and fast-paced market, environment has shed light on the need for a modernized approach to asset allocation.



Allocations are based on age and proximity to retirement. Portfolios are build around Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) with little emphasis placed on economic conditions or market behavior. This "buy and hold" approach remains popular due to its congruence with two Nobel-prize winning academic theories.


An increasingly volatile and fast-paced market environment has shed light on the need for a modernized approach to asset allocation. In contrast to Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA), Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) attempts to analyze evolving economic and financial conditions in order to keep the portfolio in tune with those changing conditions.

Important considerations such as age, risk tolerance and proximity to retirement are accounted for prior to the asset selection process, allowing portfolios to be nimble and react quickly to changes in the economy.

Our team has developed three proprietary, rules-based, tactical investments models that are available exclusively to sigma point clients.

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Introducing a rules-based (behavioral bias-free) approach to investing

Diversified Macro Model

Diversified Macro Model

Our premier tactical asset allocation model that dynamically shifts between asset classes as economic conditions change.

Long-Term Tactical Model

Long-Term Tactical Model

Designed to minimize turnover and maximize long-term capital gains, this model is ideal for taxable accounts.

Short-Term Tactical Model

Short-Term Tactical Model

Our most aggressive investment model. Designed to deliver higher expected returns in exchange for increased volatility.


With Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA), allocation decisions are based primarily on age and remain fixed for long periods of time (buy-and-hold), SAA is popular because of its congruence with two academic theories, Modern Portfolio Theory(MPT) and the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH).

If you prefer the SAA approach, we can help you construct an optimal, low-cost portfolio and keep it updated as you age. You’ll enjoy the confidence of knowing that you’re inversting along sound principles backed by Nobel-prize winning theories.

Strategic Allocation


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As a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor, we have a fiduciary duty to you, our client. We put your interests ahead of ours, and offer a transparent pricing structure that aligns us toward the same goal. As a result, you know that we sit squarely in your corner.

Sigma Point Capital

Investment Model Disclosures


Sigma Point Capital, LLC (“SPC”) is a Registered Investment Advisor. All information provided herein is for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice, an offer to buy or sell any security or insurance product; or an endorsement of any third party or such third party’s views.

Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product will be profitable, equal any corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), be suitable for your portfolio or individual situation, or prove successful.

All examples are hypothetical and designed solely to convey information about our investment philosophy and strategies. Investing involves a great deal of risk including the loss of some or all of your investment. Past performance is not an indication or guarantee of future performance and Sigma Point Capital does not warrant or guarantee any minimum level of investment performance. No representation is being made that any SPC client account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown in the hypothetical back tested performance.

Backtested Performance Disclosure Statement

Hypothetical performance shown on the Sigma Point Capital website (the “Site”) is backtested and does not represent the performance of any account managed by Sigma Point Capital. The hypothetical performance depicted was achieved by means of the retroactive application of investment strategies that were designed with the benefit of hindsight.

Backtested performance is NOT an indicator of future actual results. Hypothetical results have inherent limitations, particularly that the performance results do not reflect the results of actual trading using client assets. Additional limitations of backtested performance include, but are not limited to, the effects of material economic and market factors on the decision-making process, and the ability for the security selection methodology to be adjusted until past returns are maximized.

The performance of any account managed by Sigma Point Capital will differ from the backtested performance shown on the Site for a variety of reasons, including without limitation the following:

  • Sigma Point Capital may consider from time to time one or more factors that are not accounted for in the models, or it may not consider any or all of such factors. The inclusion or exclusion of such factors may cause Sigma Point Capital to override the model’s recommendations, which could result in performance that is higher or lower than shown.
  • The hypothetical backtested performance results assume full investment, whereas an account managed by SPC may have a positive cash balance upon rebalance. Had the backtested performance results included a positive cash position, the results would have been different and generally would have been lower.
  • The backtested performance results for each strategy are based on the daily closing prices of each security. Accounts managed by SPC will rarely, if ever, be able to transact at the exact daily closing prices, and as a result, security purchases and sales may be at higher or lower prices than those depicted in the model’s returns. This could result in performance that is higher or lower than what is depicted on the Site.
  • The timing of trades and transactions in an account managed by SPC may differ from the timing of trades and transactions shown in the backtested performance. This could result in performance that is higher or lower than what is depicted on the Site.
  • Hypothetical performance includes the reinvestment of dividends and interest, but no management fees or transaction costs are included. If management fees and transaction costs were included, the results would have been different and generally would have been lower.
  • Hypothetical performance does not reflect the impact of taxes on non-qualified accounts. If taxes were included, the results for non-qualified accounts would have been different and generally would have been lower.
  • Accounts managed by SPC are subject to additions and redemptions of assets under management, which may positively or negatively affect performance depending on the the timing of such events in relation to market conditions.
  • Simulated returns may be dependent on the market and economic conditions that existed during the backtested period. Future market or economic conditions can adversely affect the returns shown.

Performance results have been compiled solely by Sigma Point Capital, LLC and have not been independently verified.

3rd Party Data

Sigma Point Capital relies on third-party data sources for portions of its data. The information derived from these sources is believed to be accurate, but no warranties or representations are made with respect to its accuracy or completeness.

Neither Sigma Point Capital nor any third-party data provider are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information.

Fund Ticker Symbols and Definitions

In order to help existing and prospective clients understand the performance characteristics of the SPC Tactical Investment Models, backtested performance on the Site is shown in relation to three benchmarks: The S&P 500 Index, The U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, and a 60/40 blend of those two indexes (benchmarks are shown using Exchange-Traded Funds which track each index).

Sigma Point Capital Tactical Models use a combination of equity and fixed-income ETFs to achieve their results; therefore, these benchmarks provide a reasonable example of the performance that one would achieve from a buy-and-hold approach using a similar set of securities.

SPY represents the SPDR S&P 500 ETF. It is an exchange-traded fund designed to track the performance of the S&P 500 Index. It does not represent the index itself.

AGG represents the iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF. It is an exchange-traded fund designed to track the performance of the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. It does not represent the index itself. The inception date for AGG is 9-22-2003. As a result, in our analysis and backtested performance, we use price data for VBMFX (the Vanguard Total Bond Market Index) as a proxy for AGG price data for all dates prior to 10-01-2003, at which point we switch to using actual AGG price data.

"60/40 Stocks/Bonds" refers to a hypothetical portfolio that would have kept 60% of its assets invested in SPY - the SPDR S&P 500 ETF and 40% of its assets invested in AGG - the iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF.



This document and the information found on the Site do not constitute a complete description of SPC’s investment services. For personalized investment advice, please Contact Us.

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